You don't have to be a programmer to help with the development of matterial.
(Although programmers are welcome!) The development of matterial can be
helped by all sorts of people:
- programmers to help code matterial.
- artists (graphics artists, 3D artists, musicians, classical animators, etc)
to help with useability testing. (This means you would be using experimental
versions of matterial and helping us find bad things about it.)
- artists and others to tell us what things they would like matterial
to have.
If you are interested in helping with the development of matterial, join the
developers mailing list and introduce yourself, and tell us how you can help
with the development. Also, you can go on IRC on
and connect to the #matterial channel; hopefully someone will be there
when you log onto the #matterial channel.
Also, another method of helping with development of matterial is through
sponsorship. Further, you can work with us through